Upon our arrival in Vancouver, we were met with one of the slowest moving immigration lines I have ever encountered. Fortunately, we were only a few feet away from Kevin Smith, director of Clerks, Mallrats... not to mention Clerks 2 -- I wish I could have those 2 hours back.
Anyway... here's the best pic I got of "Silent Bob" without making it completely obvious I was taking his picture.
Patty has her own Kevin Smith story, but I'll let her tell it.
Anyway... Vancouver-ans are the nicest people we've ever encountered in our travels. Examples: Everyone smiles and says Hello... bus passengers thank the driver upon exiting the bus... apparently they give out free desserts if you say you're visiting from New York... I mean I've never felt more welcomed in a big city like I have felt here.

Okay, I have a story about a cable car and some nachos, but I'll have to put that off until tomorrow.
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