Tokyo's subway map:

Now, I may have grown up in a small town, but after five years in the Big Apple and a short six-month stint in London, I kind of fancy myself a city girl these days. I'd like to think that I can manage any city's public trans system with the greatest of ease. Now, we haven't gotten lost or anything, but getting around here is definitely challenging. For one, NY's MetroCard can get you on any subway line and you can switch at any time. Well, here there are three different companies that run the different lines, and they all take different tickets. So our Suica card only works on certain lines, and for a different subway we have to get tickets from different machines. As I said, we've managed, but it is a little more stressful. Hong Kong had an awesome subway system, and it was surprisingly cheap - most routes were less than a buck.
Today we spent the day at Asakusa. We've found with most Japanese words, whichever syllable you want to accent, choose a different one. There was another temple there and a lot more souvenir stands. So today wasn't really all that exciting, but we did have a nice little lunch. Bry had sushi and I had unagi (eel) and rice. Now we're heading to Ginza to wander around and find a spot for dinner. I've picked a kooky spot that could either be a place that's a bad experience that makes for a good story, or it could actually be fun. We're going to check it out, and if it looks too cheesy, move on. We have yet to find Tokyo's Pizza Hut.
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