If you've gotten any emails from me from the road anytime during the past seven years, you'll know that Bryan and I have one guilty pleasure when vacationing: Pizza Hut. We officially started this when we took a boat from Copenhagen to Malmo (Sweden), and the only thing we did while in Malmo was eat at Pizza Hut before hopping back on the boat. Now it's sort of our joke. We usually save Pizza Hut for when we get sick of trying new foods and just want something familiar.
We apparently made the Pizza Hut gods mad after passing two Pizza Huts in Canada and not stopping. Canada had a shot at being the ninth country (excluding US) that we've eaten at this fine dining establishment. I felt pangs of guilt our last night there as I saw empty Pizza Hut boxes outside of no less than three doors at the Holiday Inn.
Tonight we had the best intentions of eating Chinese food since we're in Hong Kong. There are actually many different forms of Chinese food - I'm pretty sure Cantonese is the one most native to Hong Kong, but you can get any of them. Bryan had some Beijing dumplings for lunch at the hotel. We set out for a restuarant famous for its Peking duck, since that's about the only Chinese dish I really like. After quite a trek we arrived at the restaurant to be told we couldn't get a table for another two hours. So we made a reservation for tomorrow night and set out for a place closer to the ferry that we picked out of our guidebook.

By now it had started to rain to a point where you needed an umbrella, and my feet were hurting because I finally grew tired of the touristy sneaker wardrobe and wore boots with heels. Then there it was, our beacon of light, the familiar friend in a faraway land. Guidebook Place with View was ditched, and we proceeded to walk downstairs into the world's most beautifully decorated Pizza Hut. Yes, this one gets an award. Feng Shui permeates this country, and it shone through at the Hut. Prices were, I think, moderate, though the exchange rate of 7.5 HK dollars to US$1 challenges us to use our math skills more frequently. It had a worldly menu that actually was about 10 pages long, and even had a section, I kid you not, "Chef's Recommendations." Some of the delicacies included chicken wings stuffed with cheese and corn. Corn actually made its way into just about every dish.
The best part about this Pizza Hut? Well, they may not have had pizzas the size of Earl's hat, but we did drink our iced tea out of fruit jars. How's that for Home Sweet Home?

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