Tonight we found this weird little restaurant from the guidebook and promptly turned around and exited once we arrived. It advertised a Japanese experience with games. It was in a small basement room with four mats on the floor and was empty. Here is the link, to understand more about it:
We saw McDonald's everywhere, and KFC, a Denny's, even an Outback, but nary a Pizza Hut to be found. I did a little research - it apparently is here, and with this incredible looking "sausage roll" crust:
After finding that the restaurant from the guidebook wasn't what we expected, we wandered around Ginza, looking at plastic food models and picture menus before finally hitting a place called Fujiya, which was like a Japanese Denny's, with Japanese comfort food and ice cream desserts (maybe more like a Friendly's). It was perfect.
We saw McDonald's everywhere, and KFC, a Denny's, even an Outback, but nary a Pizza Hut to be found. I did a little research - it apparently is here, and with this incredible looking "sausage roll" crust:
Bryan's photography skills are rivalling Nancy's these days, and I'll let

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